

Se Israele ha optato per la strage, poi, mentre il popolo Palestinese piangerà i suoi morti assassinati, farà la solita voce grossa per lamentarsi delle "offese" accusando a destra e a manca, chi li accuserà dei crimini di guerra che però chiameranno "reazione esagerata", accuseranno di antisemitismo chi oserà dire " da vittima a carnefice", chi brucerà le sue bandiere, di chi si "permetterà" di usare aggettivi del tipo "Zionazi" ed io mi vergogno di far parte di questo ipocrita occidente che resta inerme difronte a questa strage!
Invito tutto il popolo israeliano contrario a tutto ciò a farsi riconoscere e a manifestare contro questi criminali di guerra!
PS: se gentilmente qualcuno può tradurre queste righe in inglese!


Translated by Stonewan
If Israel has chosen the slaughter solution, while the Palestinian people are crying their murdered victims, on the other hand it will loudly complain about their suffered "offences" accusing whoever: those who will accuse them of war crimes, even though using the expression "exagerated reaction", they will accuse of anti-Semitism those who will dare to say " from victim to executioner", those who will burn their flags, those who will "dare" to use such adjectives as "Sionazi". I am ashamed of being part of this hypocrite Western world that doesn't take any action against this massacre!
I call upon all the Israeli people who are against all this to stand out and protest against these war crimes!

1 commento:

Brond ha detto...

Translate "self" with Google:
If Israel has opted for the massacre, then, while the Palestinian people tears his dead murdered, will the usual big voice to complain of the "offenses" and accusing right there, who will acknowledge them of war crimes but will call "exaggerated reaction , To accuse those who dare say anti-Semitism "from victim to executioner, who will burn their flags, who will" allow "to use adjectives like" Zionazi "and I am ashamed to be part of this hypocritical West that remains helpless in front this massacre!
I urge all the people of Israel contrary to everything to be recognized and demonstrate against these war criminals!